They looked at each other. The words, coming forth from the book which was taking on the power of life and death, exercised a gentle and peaceful attraction over the glance which played over them. Each of them, like a half-closed eye, admitted the excessively keen glance which in other circumstances it would not have tolerated. And so Thomas slipped toward these corridors, approaching them defenselessly until the moment he was perceived by the very quick of the word.
- Maurice Blanchot, Thomas the Obscure (1941)
'A reader turns into a letter' is the first exhibition to be held at 73 Ladbroke Grove and features new works by Ariane Schick and Alex Clarke who both shared the flat as a studio before its refurbishment.
We try to see as best we can
words as voices
brocolis and trees / snail shell a grey cathedral
The exhibition is a narrative shaped through coincidence. A paced coming together of people and things in a modified space and following a circular movement of return.
The works comes from a common desire to create relationships between these people and things, recalling or erasing knowledge of space through imagination and memory.
Head down precise walking
eye towards mass production
flesh may not fray
They pose alone or interact in communal dances
confronting memory and spirituality through abstract thoughts and gestures.
(the exhibition combines bodily textures and curves)
direction and distance reveal presence
the perspective of an orifice
sense of foreground and background punctuates the sentence,
somewhere is a linear display
On the edge of consciousness and acuteness of senses, material is a flow
pouring a faint light
I walk through clear water, a shorter alphabet
Please join us for the opening of the exhibition on Tuesday, July 14th from 7pm.
Curated by Rosanna Puyol and Frederic Gille-Nocard
73 Ladbroke Grove, London W11 2PD
Holland Park (Central line) or Ladbroke Grove (Circle and Hammersmith & City line)
For further information please contact me on 07 871 633 233 or at rosanna.puyol@gmail.com.

Installation view by Ben Westoby

Installation view by Ben Westoby

Installation view by Ben Westoby

Installation view by Ben Westoby

Installation view by Ben Westoby

Installation view by Ben Westoby

Installation view by Ben Westoby

Installation view by Ben Westoby

Installation view by Ben Westoby

Installation view by Ben Westoby

Installation view by Ben Westoby